Search results for: “bind”

  • Plex, Synology, Xfinity and Me

    So if your router doesn’t have access to this DNS Rebind Protection business, but you’re still seeing the “Unable to claim” error and you’ve tried everything, see about manually setting the DNS configuration of your actual server machine; not just hoping it will use the ones in your modem or router like it’s supposed to.

  • Diplomacy


    I just finished listening to NoDumbQuestions‘ Episode 53 – What Would Happen Every Time You Restarted Earth? I have to say, the discussion definitely got me onto two things which I briefly mentioned in my comment on Reddit (I don’t know if my thoughts will take off at this point, but I wanted to put…

  • Embarcadero TThread Works Just Fine

    I’ve been annoyed for a large amount of time (years in fact) over some of our software we use and sell. In essence, what we have is a TCP GUI that communicates on a 250ms timer with a microcontroller that’s serving up a two-way communications protocol over ModBus FC23 – we send commands either to…

  • Finally! An internal DNS server that works (for me)!

    So it’s been much too long since I wanted to do this, but thankfully, I have finally discovered the solution for which I can serve up my own DNS server for internal LAN things, but still have an external host that administers my public website! My scenario and quandry was this:

  • A Domain!!

    At last!! I tucked in my shirt, tightened my belt and made the plunge. I am now the proud pseudo-owner of! For that reason, I’ve created this Google Sites …site, and then in addition linked THIS blog to (mostly because I wanted to try subdomains, to see how easy they were). All the…