Search results for: “sidebar”

  • Panoramio

    I’ve at last found a way to post my newest Panoramio photos places other than Google Maps/Earth and Panoramio proper: the API widget! With this, I can add an iframe to any page and display my own photos from most newest to oldest. Right now I’m testing it out on the sidebar. It takes a…

  • In the Limelight

    It seems this blog thing is getting more and more into the limelight. This word, limelight, comes from the 19th century spotlights of directing a flame at a stick of lime (calcium-oxide, the main ingredient in concrete). The stick would glow and they could reflect the high-intensity light at the performer, orator, etc. Only problem…

  • Wasted Space Now Reclaimed

    So I’m looking at the page there..probably the one you’re looking at right now, and I noticed that there was a big blank space to the left of everything. “Well,” I thought, “How can I get the text to stretch that far?” Then I remembered the Edit HTML link in the Layout tab. Went into…

  • New Gadgets

    You’ll notice that I have new gadgets on the sidebar here – links and another RSS feed.