Search results for: “Here is Love”

  • Lack of Lyrics

    Ha! This Tuesday we had a great time at the Men’s meeting at church. However, due to a real good worship time, we had to come up with a few songs on the fly. This was a bit difficult, due to the fact that the two we were given ahead of time were put into…

  • Alternates

    I just re-watched for the umpteenth time Rymdreglage‘s video where they change their name and call it Ninja Moped. It’s stupidly quirky and dumb and the worst thing ever, but it hits that place that tickles my love for weird things. Given that I like random name generators (even “analog” ones like this) a whole…

  • My Vicci, Part 2

    Let’s see if I can finish some more of this six months after the fact. That last “I love you” was the last I heard. I waited all day to hear something, assuming Ivy would be able to get my number or contact me eventually, or that Vicci was just super quiet because she was…

  • My Vicci, Part 1

    December 7, 2019 I experienced what I never thought I would so early in life. My girlfriend of five years passed away suddenly due to respiratory and heart failure in her home in Las Vegas. She had stayed home from sick the day before because she could not catch her breath and didn’t feel like…

  • Diplomacy


    I just finished listening to NoDumbQuestions‘ Episode 53 – What Would Happen Every Time You Restarted Earth? I have to say, the discussion definitely got me onto two things which I briefly mentioned in my comment on Reddit (I don’t know if my thoughts will take off at this point, but I wanted to put…

  • Privacy Policy

    Who are you? I’m some white cis male nerd from the United States. What personal data do you collect it and why? Comments I log your IP. Not for anything malicious. Just to reverse-DNS you if I think you’re interesting, or to drop you on iptables if I think you’re being an asshole. Also I…

  • OpenVPN

    New project at work! Setting up OpenVPN. It’s great fun…except when it doesn’t work. I love the Windows interface for setting up the Server. It’s straight-forward, and following the tutorial at works like a charm. Setting up the client is just as easy, and the connection can be made in a matter of minutes.

  • Cell Phone to Sound Board for only $20!

    I have successfully finished yet another garage-shop electronics project that actually WORKS! Tuesday, Pastor Mike at Rez announced that in two weeks, when they’re on their short-term missions trip to India, they’ll be performing yet another Skype call in to 6:33 pm. However, the last two or three times they’ve been anywhere, they’ve tried this,…

  • Youtube: Newest Ten

    I’ve just created a “newest ten” playlist in my Youtube channel. This is because my more recent videos aren’t really getting viewed all that much. I post links to them here and there, but not many people read what I have to say. Therefore, I’m going to see what I can do about promoting them…

  • 12-9-09

    Well then! Finals this week and I had a nice day yesterday taking a test on the Classical period of music. Then we have the comprehensive listening test tomorrow which will be our full final. Ha! Maybe if I worked hard enough at it I could….never mind. I can’t even think. Aaaanyway, we got like…