Search results for: “sound board”

  • Cell Phone to Sound Board for only $20!

    I have successfully finished yet another garage-shop electronics project that actually WORKS! Tuesday, Pastor Mike at Rez announced that in two weeks, when they’re on their short-term missions trip to India, they’ll be performing yet another Skype call in to 6:33 pm. However, the last two or three times they’ve been anywhere, they’ve tried this,…

  • More on Skype and Overhead Setups

    Well, last night at men’s 6:33 we had our Skype call from Argentina. And it worked…kind of. However, the connection they had down there was extremely poor and our own LAN wasn’t doing so hot for external connections either. However, we did like we had done for when they went to India. We bypassed audio…

  • Diplomacy


    I just finished listening to NoDumbQuestions‘ Episode 53 – What Would Happen Every Time You Restarted Earth? I have to say, the discussion definitely got me onto two things which I briefly mentioned in my comment on Reddit (I don’t know if my thoughts will take off at this point, but I wanted to put…

  • Lack of Lyrics

    Ha! This Tuesday we had a great time at the Men’s meeting at church. However, due to a real good worship time, we had to come up with a few songs on the fly. This was a bit difficult, due to the fact that the two we were given ahead of time were put into…